How to get API request statistics

Statistics server address:


The service is accessed using the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. More information about protocol specification you can find in official sources.

While requests to API, you must pass the method from the request body in GET parameters, e.g.:

curl -X POST -d '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "params": {
    "param1": "value1", 
    "param2": "value2"
  "id": 1
}' https://localhost/?namespace.method

How to get statistics for a source

To get statistics, you need to call "stat.getForSource" method.

Request params

tokenSource tokenstring

Source token

The list with available tokens can be found on the Source access page. If you don’t have access to this section, please contact Admin.

There is a special access token for each source. If you don’t set “source” filter in your request, you will get stats on the source to which the token belongs that is specified in the params.

If you’d like to get stats on all sources at once, you can use any available token, but additionally you need to set filter "source": ["all"].

Filter object parameters

The table below describes all possible filters, but please note that depending on user rights some filters, groups or dimensions can be not available.

date_fromStart date. Format: Year-month-day. (Required field)date
date_toEnd date. Format: Year-month-day. (Required field)date
timezoneTime shift. Possible values:
main_groupValues groups
- "date_day" - by day,
- "date_hour" - by hour,
- "date_week" - by week,
- "date_month" - by month,
- "partner" - by partner,
- "camp" - by camp,
- "creative" - by creative,
- "source" - by source,
- "country" - by country,
- "format" - by format,
- "os" - by OS,
- "browser" - by browser,
- "network" - by network.
array of string
side_groupData grouped:
- "source" - by sources,
- "source_geo" - sources + geo,
- "source_format" - sources + format,
- "source_placement" - sources + placement,
- "source_os" - sources + OS,
- "source_browser" - sources + browser.
array of string
formatThe creative format can be set only for data grouped by source + format. Possible values: "v", "t", and "b", which means video, teaser and banner respectively.string
sourceList of sourcesarray of string
countryList of countries. To display all countries, please specify the value ["all"]array of string
placementList of placementsarray of string
osList of OS. To display all OS, please specify the value ["all"]array of string
browserList of browsers. To display all browsers, please specify the value ["all"]array of string
networkList of networks. To display all browsers, please specify the value ["all"]array of string

Response params

The response will return an array of objects. Objects can have the following fields:

  • "source" - source name,
  • "creative" - unique creative ID,
  • "bid" - response ID,
  • "shows" - number of impressions,
  • "win_rate" - win rate, i.e. percentage of the number of impressions won to the number of all impressions,
  • "clicks" - number of clicks,
  • "avg_cpm" - average CPM value,
  • "request" - number of requests,
  • "date_day" - day, for data grouped by days,
  • "date_hour" - hour, for data grouped by hours,
  • "date_week" - week, for data grouped by weeks,
  • "date_month" - month, for data grouped by months,
  • "fill_rate" - fill rate, i.e. percentage of the number of impressions completed to the number of requests,
  • "format" - the type of creatives: banner, video, teaser, e.g., "b728x90" is a banner of size 728x90px,
  • "placement" - placement ID,
  • "os" - OS name,
  • "browser" - browser name,
  • "network" - network name.


Please note

The fields in the response are customized for users and depend on the filters set in the request.

Example of using the method:

// Request
curl -X POST -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
        "token": "FNhw...KZc",
        "filter": {
            "main_group": ["network","source","placement"],
            "side_group": ["source_placement"],
            "network": [""]
    "id": 1
}' "http://localhost/?stat.getForSource"

// Response
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "source": "name",
            "placement": 111111,
            "network": "",
            "bid": 591397,
            "shows": 14716,
            "win_rate": 2.49,
            "clicks": 3,
            "avg_cpm": 30.48
            "source": "name",
            "placement": 111112,
            "network": "",
            "bid": 252685,
            "shows": 14598,
            "win_rate": 5.78,
            "clicks": 50,
            "avg_cpm": 31.88
    "id": 1

Since "main_group": ["network","source","placement"] was specified in the example, the result is grouped by network, source and platform. If "main_group" won't contain "placement", this column will be absent in the response despite "side_group": ["source_placement"].

Example of using the method displaying the creative format

Statistics on creative formats you can get only grouped by day and in GMT+3.

// Request
curl -X POST -d '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
        "token": "EJa...kDy",
        "filter": {
            "main_group": ["format"],
            "side_group": ["source_format"],
            "source": ["all"],
            "format": "b"
    "id": 1
}' "http://localhost/?stat.getForSource"

// Response
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "format": "b300x250",
            "bid": "0",
            "shows": 1739412,
            "win_rate": 0,
            "clicks": 1341,
            "avg_cpm": 27.28
            "format": "b300x600",
            "bid": "0",
            "shows": 348468,
            "win_rate": 0,
            "clicks": 267,
            "avg_cpm": 24.52
            "format": "b240x400",
            "bid": "0",
            "shows": 336885,
            "win_rate": 0,
            "clicks": 94,
            "avg_cpm": 23.12
            "format": "b970x250",
            "bid": "0",
            "shows": 162341,
            "win_rate": 0,
            "clicks": 133,
            "avg_cpm": 21.24
            "format": "b160x600",
            "bid": "0",
            "shows": 59196,
            "win_rate": 0,
            "clicks": 38,
            "avg_cpm": 25.41
            "format": "b728x90",
            "bid": "0",
            "shows": 15539,
            "win_rate": 0,
            "clicks": 7,
            "avg_cpm": 25.11
    "id": 1

Possible errors

Error codeDescriptionComments
-32768 по -32099JSON-RPC 2.0 errorsLearn more in protocol specification.
0undefined internal error.
1undefined internal error.
300account not foundAccount was not found
600source token not found or not availableSource token was not found or not available
601invalid timezoneWrong time shift was specified
602invalid date_fromWrong start date was specified
603invalid date_toWrong end date was specified